I have just realised its been so long since I have blogged. Well here's a update for all my readers.
After having a bit of a washout out the last craft fair I went away and licked my wounds and came out stronger and better for it. It is now obvious to me that it doesn't matter whats being sold inside a venue if that venue is not on a thorough fare then no people will come in. Very simple but expensive lesson. Since the last time I blogged I have moved into my lovely girlfriends house in Northallerton. She is a creator as well, she is a Calligrapher and lettering artist of high standing. You can see her work on www.inspiredbyscript.blogspot.com. Sue has so much to give, it always amazes me.
Well, back to the move. All went well, even the weather was sunny for a change and after two trips 48 years of collected junk was moved some 40 miles. I am now well and truly settle in and my craft seems to be spreading through the house. oooops sorry Sue. lol. Now back on track with the jewellery making. I have concentrated on earrings, studs and hanging ones. These seem to be very popular, especially when matched with the pendants. I have also reorganised my website a bit better. Why don't you take a look at http://www.stevesmithjewellery.co.uk/ and see what you think. My next craft fair is be held this weekend (9th and 10th April) at The Guildhall, York. This is a beautiful old building that is situated in the heart of York so custom will be much better. The people organising this event is http://www.allseasonevents.co.uk/ and so far they seem to be well organised. I'll let you know after the weekend..... Here's a little picture taken at a works event just to give some the idea of what my stand looks like.
Hope you all enjoyed my recent rantings. Hopefully will blog soon. Take care of yourselves and I might see you at the craft fairs. BYE :o)